- Standard Method : JIS-K7191-1, K7206, ASTM-D648, D1525, IEC-335-1, ISO-75-1, 306
- This tester is used to evaluate the heat resistance of plastic. By loading specified bending stress to the test specimen while increasing the test temperature of the oil bath at a certain rate, the operator is to report the temperature at which the test specimen reaches standard deflection. The tester can also conduct the VICAT softening temperature test and the ball pressure test.
- Click Here : Heat Distortion Tester
- YASUDA SEIKI : Plastic and Rubber Testing Catalog
- Plastic,Rubber,Film and Polymer Product Catalog
- Standard Method : JIS-K7191-1, K7206, ASTM-D648, D1525, IEC-335-1, ISO-75-1, 306
- This tester is the fully automatic version of the HEAT DISTORTION TESTER. The robotic mechanism enables the operator to conduct the usual heat distortion test and VICAT softening temperature test automatically. By setting the test specimen to the specimen feeder, the computer software will continuously conduct heat resistance test for a maximum of 120 samples.
- Click Here : Heat Distortion Tester
- YASUDA SEIKI : Plastic and Rubber Testing Catalog
- Plastic,Rubber,Film and Polymer Product Catalog
- Standard Method : JIS-K7191-1, K7206, ASTM-D648, D1525, IEC-335-1, ISO-75-1, 306
- This tester adapts the air circulating heating system to test the heat resistance of plastic (usually super engineering plastic) up to 500 °C. The specimen racks are made by glass quartz to prevent measuring disturbances due to the deflections of the racks itself.
- Click Here : Heat Distortion Tester
- YASUDA SEIKI : Plastic and Rubber Testing Catalog
- Plastic,Rubber,Film and Polymer Product Catalog
PT. Mora Anugerah Berkat (M.A.B) adalah perusahaan yang sudah berpengalaman dalam menyediakan / mensupply peralatan uji industrial testing equipment seperti Vendor HDT Testing, kami juga menyediakan berbagai brand/merk internasional dari USA, Eropa dan China,produk internasional yang kami supply/tawarkan seperti : Yasuda Seiki, Qualitest, Drick Inst, Testex dan lain - lain.Kami juga menyediakan Jasa Perbaikan (SERVICE), Jasa Perawatan (Maintenace) dan support untuk KALIBRASI / AKSESSORIES SPAREPART jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami marketing dan sales kami siap membantu menjawab segala kebutuhan anda.
Vendor HDT Testing
- PT. Mora Anugerah Berkat (M.A.B)
- Click Here : Dart Impact Tester Brochure
- Click Here : Plastic and Rubber Test Product Brochure
- Click Here : Pulp and Paper Test Equipment Catalog
- Click Here : DRICK Instrument Plastic,Rubber & Packaging Catalog
- Click Here : Testex Instrument for Fabric and Textile Catalog
- Alamat : Jl. Taman Asri Blok M No.36 Kel.Cipadu Kec.Larangan, Kota Tangerang - Provinsi Banten
- Phone : 021 7345.7064 / 7366.0160
- Mobile : 0812.8140.0749 / 0812.8770.5470
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- Website : www.moraanugerah.id - www.moraanugerah.com
- Email : info@moraanugerah.com - info@moraanugerah.id - marketing_div@moraanugerah.com