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Fluorescence Spectrophotometer

Fluorescence Spectrophotometer
Biolab Scientific Fluorescence Spectrophotometer Series 100 incorporate excellent wavelength accuracy and highly reliable optical performance to give highest sensitivity,reproducibility and accuracy. Xenon lamp minimizes photobleaching of samples thus maintaining sample integrity and produces high signal to noise ratio to give unmatched performance even with trace samples.Ergonomic with a longer lamp life, it gives more quality for your money.
  • Wavelength Range : 250 - 700 nm
  • Sensitivity : S/N ≥ 150
  • Wavelength Accuracy : ± 1nm at spectral bandwidth of 10 nm

Unparalleled detection Limit : With 150 Watts Xenon lamp, it offer higher signal to noise ratio,which provide better capabilities for trace sample measurement.

 Untuk mengetahui Type,Model dan Spesifikasi Fluorescence  Spectrophotometer silahkan klik Link tautan yang ada dibawah ini :  
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