Harga/Jual Ross Flex Tester Cooling Chamber
- Standard Method : ASTM D1052
- This tester is used to evaluate the durability of rubber by observing the growth of bending stress induced cracks.
- The test specimen is usually taken from shoe soles.
- The test specimen is to have a 2.5 mm long crack and is to be bended to a 90°angle until the crack becomes a maximum of 500 %.
- Every 100 % the crack grows, the operator is to record the number of bends the test specimen has received.
- The tester can also be assorted with a low temperature oven (L type).
- Click Here : No.270 Ross Flexing Tester Brochure
- Click Here : Plastic, Rubber,Film and Polymer Testing Catalog
Harga/Jual Ross Flex Tester Cooling Chamber
- This model is equipped with a low temp.
- chamber for conducting flexing tests at low temperatures.
- The durability is evaluated by the number of bends it takes for the crack to grow every 100 % up to 500 %.
- Click Here : No.270-L Ross Flexing Tester (with Refrigerating Machine) Brochure
- Click Here : Plastic, Rubber,Film and Polymer Testing Catalog
PT.Mora Anugerah Berkat adalah perusahaan yang sudah berpengalaman dalam menyediakan/mensupply peralatan laboratorium untuk industrial salah satunya seperti Harga/Jual Ross Flex Tester Cooling Chamber , kami juga menyediakan peralatan baik lokal maupun custom (khusus) yang sudah teruji dan sesuai dengan ASTM,kami juga menyediakan berbagai brand/merk internasional dari USA,Eropa dan China,produk internasional yang kami supply/tawarkan seperti : Yasuda Seiki, Toyoseiki, Qualitest, Geotech,Amade-Tech, Frank PTI, dan lain-lain.
Harga/Jual Ross Flex Tester Cooling Chamber
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