Pemasok Mesin Otomatis Core Drill MATEST
PT. Mora Anugerah Berkat (M.A.B) adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang laboratorium khususnya material testing untuk konstruksi / pertambangan (civil laboratorium testing equipment), peralatan yang kami supply meliputi : alat lab uji tanah (soil test equipment), alat lab uji aggregates (aggregates test equipment), alat lab uji beton (concrete test equipment), alat lab uji sement (cement test equipment), alat lab uji aspal (asphalt test equipment), alat NDT (Non Destructive Test Equipment) dan Alat Survey.
Automed Core Drill (ACD)
Matest has developed an Automated Core Drill (ACD) for fast, accurate cutting of cores from cylinders, prisms and slabs prepared using Matest’s range of asphalt compaction machines;
GYROTRONIC-Gyratory Compactor, ASC-Asphalt Shear-box Compactor and field specimens for subsequent testing using Matest/Pavetest’s range of leading edge testing systems.
Pemasok Mesin Otomatis Core Drill MATEST
Three selectable drill speeds.
Clear protective/splash screen conforming to CE standards.
Ideal for coring prismatic specimens compacted in Asphalt Shear-box Compactor (ASC).
Suitable to core cylindrical specimens compacted in Gyratory compactor(s).
Includes water container/tray.
Adjustable specimen clamp eliminates specimen movement during coring.
Three position fixture provides easy and accurate specimen positioning.
Three core supports at fixed spacing yields two or three cores from one prism.
Optional cylindrical specimen jig.
Click Here : MATEST Automated Core Drill Brochure
Drill Bit Diamond/tungsten alloy, laser welded.
Core diameter 100 mm or 150 mm.
For other core diameters, see the accessories.
Core height up to 40 cm.
Specimen sizes:
Cylindrical Sample: 160 mm x 70 mm - 400 mm (ØxH)
Prismatic Sample :
200-450 mm x 150-185 mm x 120-420 mm (LxDxH)
315-340 mm x 220-260 mm x 120-420 mm (LxDxH)
Dimensions : 60 cm (L) x 80 cm (D) x 140 cm (H)
Net weight : 85 kg
Power supply :
230V 10A 50Hz 1ph (540/1, 300/1, 800 rpm)
230V 10A 60Hz 1ph (560/1, 330/1, 850 rpm)
115V 20A 60Hz 1ph (560/1, 330/1, 850 rpm)
- B040-20 Asphalt Core Drill (230V/50-60Hz) for prisms
- B040-20Y Asphalt Core Drill (110V/60Hz) for prisms
Untuk mengetahui lebih detail model/type dan spesifikasi dari AUTOMATED CORE DRILL (ACD) silahkan click link/tautan yang ada di bawah ini :
PT. Mora Anugerah Berkat adalah perusahaan yang sudah berpengalaman dalam menyediakan/mensupply peralatan laboratorium untuk sipil/pertambangan seperti Pemasok Mesin Otomatis Core Drill MATEST, kami juga menyediakan peralatan baik lokal maupun custom (khusus) yang sudah teruji dan sesuai dengan ASTM,kami juga menyediakan berbagai brand/merk internasional dari USA, Eropa dan China,produk internasional yang kami supply/tawarkan seperti : MATEST, GILSON, FORNEY, HUMBOLDT, CONTROL, ELE, UTEST, RETSCH, Endecotts, HMP, PROCEQ, HILTI dan lain - lain.
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Pemasok Mesin Otomatis Core Drill MATEST
PT. Mora Anugerah Berkat (M.A.B)
Alamat : Jl.Taman Asri Blok M No.36 Kel.Cipadu Kec.Larangan,Kota Tangerang - Provinsi Banten
Phone : 021 7345.7064 / 7366.0160
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