This all-round genius among the heating ovens covers a multitude of applications, ideally at temperatures above +50°C. Thanks to two model variants and nine sizes, optionally with natural or forced convection, industry, science and research institutes will find a heating and drying oven which combines top precision and safety with optimal operating comfort.
ControlCOCKPIT: SingleDISPLAY with one or TwinDISPLAY with two high-resolution
TFT colour touch displays
Voltage: 230 V, 50/60 Hz (Voltage: 400 V, 50/60 Hz for sizes 450-1060)
Setting temperature range +20°C to +300°C
Natural convection (N) or forced air circulation (F)
Structured stainless steel housing, scratch-resistant, robust and durable; rear of zinc-plated steel
The SetpointWAIT function guarantees that the process time does not start until the
Set temperature is reached at all measuring points – optional for temperature values recorded by the freely positionable Pt100 sensors inside the chamber
Internal data logger with storage capacity of at least 10 years
Digital backwards counter with target time setting, adjustable from 1 minute to 99 days
Adjustment of 3 calibration values for temperature and additional appliance specific parameters directly at the ControlCOCKPIT
Works calibration certificate at +160°C
For further information on SingleDISPLAY and TwinDISPLAY please visit our website or contact our marketing :
Daftar Harga Terbaru Universal Oven Memmert
Jika anda membutuhkan Laboratory Oven/Universal Oven ,PT. Mora Anugerah Berkat adalah perusahaan supplier dan penyedia alat general laboratorium equipment di indonesia, kami telah supply alat laboratorium untuk industri(swasta),lembaga riset pemerintah,universitas/politeknik dan rumah sakit/poliklinik diantaranya adalah Universal Memmert Oven/Oven Memmert
kami menyediakan Daftar Harga Terbaru Universal Oven Memmert dengan brand Memmert GmbH yang sudah banyak di kenal dan banyak di gunakan di indonesia,kami juga menyediakan brand atau merek yang lain juga serta kami juga menyediakan jasa perbaikan (service),jasa perawatan (maintenance) ataupun kalibrasi laboratory oven/universal oven untuk mendapatkan informasi maupun penawaran lebih banyak silahkan kunjung website atau menghubungi sales/marketing kami.
Daftar Harga Terbaru Universal Oven Memmert
Untuk informasi,pertanyaan dan pemesanan silahkan hubungi kami di :
PT. Mora Anugerah Berkat (M.A.B)
Jl.Taman Asri Blok M No.36 Kel.Cipadu Kec.Larangan,Kota Tangerang - Provinsi Banten
Phone : (+62) 21 7345.7064 / 7366.0160
Mobile : 0812.8140.0749 / 0812.8770.5470
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