
PT.Mora Anugerah Berkat adalah perusahaan penyedia alat – alat laboratorium, alat laboratorium yang kami sediakan meliputi : general laboratorium equipment,medical equipment (alat kesehatan), environmental (alat uji lingkungan), chemical/reagent consumable,mineral/civil material testing dan kalibrasi.

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Harga CBR Test di Wilayah Balikpapan


Harga CBR Test di Wilayah Balikpapan

PT. Mora Anugerah Berkat (M.A.B) adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang laboratorium khususnya material testing untuk konstruksi / pertambangan (civil laboratorium testing equipment), peralatan yang kami supply meliputi : alat lab uji tanah (soil test equipment), alat lab uji aggregates (aggregates test equipment), alat lab uji beton (concrete test equipment), alat lab uji sement (cement test equipment), alat lab uji aspal (asphalt test equipment), alat NDT (Non Destructive Test Equipment) dan Alat Survey.

Harga CBR Test di Wilayah Balikpapan

Salah satu diantaranya adalah Field CBR Test Set untuk alat lab uji tanah (soil test equipment),berikut ini adalah spesifikasi dari Field CBR Test Set Equipment

Features :
  • Contains products needed to perform field CBR testing
  • Models available with two-speed or three-speed jacks
  • Conforms to ASTM and Army Corps of Engineers standards
Included Items :
  • BR-12 CBR Field Test Set, Two-Speed Jack w/ swivel base, or
  • BR-13 CBR Field Test Set, Three-Speed Jack w/ swivel base
  • 2,000lbf Load Ring with Dial Gauge
  • 5,000lbf Load Ring with Dial Gauge
  • Penetration Piston with Connector & Extension Sets
  • Two 10lb Surcharge Weights
  • Two 20lb Surcharge Weights
  • One 10lb, 10in Diameter Surcharge Plate
  • Support Bridge
  • Dial Indicator with magnetic holder

ASTM D-4429
For CBR bearing test of soil in the field. The jack has two
speed and alumunium housing swivel is mainly alumunium.
Proving ring have calibrated chart and dial. Piston,
extensions and connectors and load plate are plated.
Dimension (l x w x h) : 140 x 35 x 35 cm
Gross weight : 75 Kg
Consist of :
BAM36 -1277-1
Mechanical Jack
Cast alumunium housing, 5 tons cap, hand operated,
2 speeds.
Consist of :
BAM36 -1277-2Mechanical Jack, 5 tons capacity.1pc
BAM36 -1277-3Swivel head, cast alumunium.1pc
BAM36 -1277-4
Field Penetration Piston
Machine steel, plated, adjustable height.
Consist of :
BAM36 -1277-5
Penetration Piston
Machine steel, plated, 3 sq.in.cross section area.
BAM36 -1277-6
Extention set
Machined steel, plated, 5 cm, 10 cm, 20 cm, 30 cm,
and 60 cm, provided with connecting adaptor.
BAM36 -1277-7Reference Beam, Steel pipe, 150 cm span.1set
BAM36 -1277-8
Circular Surcharge Weight
Machine steel, plated, 10" dia, 10 lbs weight.
BAM36 -1277-9
Slotted Surcharge Weight
Machine steel, plated, 8.5" dia, 10 lbs weight.
BAM36 -1277-10
Slotted Surcharge Weight
Machine steel, plated, 8.5" dia, 20 lbs weight.
BAM36 -1268-5Proving Ring, 2.000 lbs capacity.1set
BAM36 -1268-7Proving Ring, 10.000 lbs capacity.1set
BAM36 -1269-5Dial Indicator, range 30 x 0.01 mm.1pc
AM36 - 1270Dial holder, magnetic.1pc

Harga CBR Test di Wilayah Balikpapan

PT. Mora Anugerah Berkat adalah perusahaan yang sudah berpengalaman dalam menyediakan/mensupply peralatan laboratorium untuk sipil/pertambangan seperti Harga CBR Test di Wilayah Balikpapan , kami juga menyediakan jasa untuk soil investigation/CBR Lapangan/Boring, kami juga menyediakan berbagai brand/merk internasional dari USA, Eropa dan China,produk internasional yang kami supply/tawarkan seperti : MATEST, GILSON, FORNEY, HUMBOLDT, CONTROL, ELE, UTEST, RETSCH, Endecotts, HMP, PROCEQ, HILTI dan lain - lain.

Kami juga menyediakan Jasa Perbaikan (SERVICE), Jasa Perawatan (Maintenace) dan support untuk KALIBRASI / AKSESSORIES SPAREPART jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami marketing dan sales kami siap membantu menjawab segala kebutuhan anda.

Harga CBR Test di Wilayah Balikpapan

  • PT. Mora Anugerah Berkat (M.A.B)
  • Alamat : Jl.Taman Asri Blok M No.36 Kel.Cipadu Kec.Larangan,Kota Tangerang - Provinsi Banten
  • Phone : 021 7345.7064 / 7366.0160
  • Mobile: 0812.8140.0749 / 0812.8770.5470 
  • Chat : Whats App,Line,WeChat,Telegram
  • Website :  www.moraanugerah.id  -  www.moraanugerah.com
  • Email : info@moraanugerah.com - info@moraanugerah.id - marketing_div@moraanugerah.com

Thermo Scientific B20 RadEye



Thermo Scientific B20 RadEye

PT. Mora Anugerah Berkat adalah perusahaan yang sudah berpengalaman dalam menyediakan / mensupply peralatan laboratorium equipment untuk radiation detection and measurement seperti B20-ER Multi-Purpose Survey Meter THERMO SCIENTIFIC, kami juga menyediakan berbagai brand/merk internasional dari USA, Eropa dan China.

Thermo Scientific™ - RadEye™ B20 and B20-ER Multi-Purpose Survey Meters

Catalog Number : 4250685

Related Spplications : Radiation Detection & Measurement

First responders need to quickly identify mixed radioactive surface contamination in facility and field environments. Thermo Scientific™ RadEye™ B20 and B20-ER Multi-Purpose Survey Meters are simple, robust, reliable contamination and dose rate measurement tools for characterizing alpha, beta, gamma and X-ray radiation. RadEye B20 and B20-ER Multi-Purpose handheld Geiger counters provide an on-site solution for homeland security personnel, fire brigades, emergency response personnel, agencies involved in decontamination and decommissioning projects and hospital and pharmaceutical industry employees.

RadEye B20 and B20-ER Multi-Purpose Survey Meters offer consistent, reliable results in any application requiring radiological surveys of flat surfaces. Model B20 is for normal measurements. Model B20-ER is for high-range measurements.

  • Lightweight (300g), excellent grip with and without gloves.

  • Rugged and compact design, thick rubber protective cover.

  • Low cost of ownership with > 500 hour operation time with 2 AAA batteries – rechargeable NiMH-cells can be used.

  • Menu-driven user interface results in low training cost and immediate familiarity.

  • Huge internal data memory for both scaler results and continuous data recording.

  • Bright backlit LCD display. Plain text messages and different languages can be selected.

  • Easy adaptation to different tasks by supervisor configuration, calibration, selection of measuring units.

  • Versatile operation modes

  • CLIK HERE : Thermo Scientific - RadEye B20 & B-20-ER Multi-Purpose Survey Meters Brochure

Thermo Scientific B20 RadEye

RadEye B20 Multi-Purpose Survey Meter
(L x W x H)
5.2 x 2.8 x 5.2 in. (13 x 7 x 13 cm)
(English) Window
1.7 in.
Energy Range17 keV to 1.3 MeV with gamma energy filter
Battery Type2 AAA
Product TypeSurvey Meter
Contamination B-20 :
0 - 10 kcps ; B20ER : 0 - 500 kcps
Height (English)5.2 in.
Length (English)5.2 in.
2p Efficiency
(ref. to 50 mm diameter without rubber sleeve) : 
Am-241 ; Co-60: 25% ; Sr/Y-90: 36% ; C-14: 19%
Detector TypePancake GM-tube ,
window dia. 44 mm (1.7 in.), 1.8 to 2.0mg/cm2
(Metric) Window
44 mm
Width (Metric)7 cm
Weight (Metric)0.3 kg
For Use With
Homeland Security; Fire Departments ;
Emergency Response; Hospitals ; Nuclear Power Industry ; Pharmaceutical Industry ; Universities
Alarm TypesLED, sound, vibrator
Radiation TypeGamma
Unitscps, cpm. Bq, dpm, dps, Sv/h, rem/h
Depth (Metric)6 mm
Width (English)2.8 in.
Sensitivity0 to 2 mSv/h (0-200 mR/h)
Battery Life>500 hr.s on two AAA batteries
Dose Rate Limit2 mSv/h (200 mrem/h)
Weight (English)0.7 lb.
Length (Metric)13 cm
Depth (English)2.4 in.
Height (Metric)13 cm
Dose RangeGamma Dose Rate :
0 to 2 mSv/h (0 to 200 mR/h) ;
Contamination: 0 to 10 kcps
Unit SizeEach

 Thermo Scientific B20 RadEye

RadEye B20 Multi-Purpose Survey Meter
(L x W x H)
5.2 x 2.8 x 5.2 in. (13 x 7 x 13 cm)
(English) Window
1.7 in.
Energy Range17 keV to 3 MeV; according to IEC 60846-1)
Battery Type2 AAA
Product TypeSurvey Meter
Contamination B-20 :
0 - 10 kcps ; B20ER : 0 - 500 kcps
Height (English)5.2 in.
Length (English)5.2 in.
2p Efficiency
(ref. to 50 mm diameter without rubber sleeve) 
: Am-241 ; Co-60: 25% ; Sr/Y-90 : 36% ; C-14: 19%
Detector TypePancake GM-tube,
window dia. 44 mm (1.7 in.) 1.8 to 2.0mg/cm2
(Metric) Window
44 mm
Width (Metric)7 cm
Weight (Metric)0.3 kg
For Use With
Civil defense, fire brigades, hospitals,
nuclear industry, and pharmaceutical industry
Alarm TypesLED, sound, vibrator
Radiation TypeGamma
Unitscps, cpm. Bq, dpm, dps, Sv/h, rem/h
Depth (Metric)6 mm
Width (English)2.8 in.
Sensitivity0 to 100 mSv/h
Battery Life>500 hr.s on two AAA batteries
Dose Rate Limit100 mSv/h (10 rem/h)
Weight (English)0.7 lb.
Length (Metric)13 cm
Depth (English)2.4 in.
Height (Metric)13 cm
Dose RangeGamma Dose Rate :
0 to 100 mSv/h (0 to 10 rem/h) ;
Contamination: 0 to 500 kcps
Unit SizeEach

Scaler/Timer with preset count and preset time for sample measurements. Continuous ratemeter mode for frisker operation. Dose rate mode.


PT. Mora Anugerah Berkat adalah perusahaan yang sudah berpengalaman dalam menyediakan/mensupply peralatan laboratorium untuk radiation detection & measurement seperti Thermo Scientific B20 RadEye, Kami juga menyediakan Jasa Perbaikan (SERVICE), Jasa Perawatan (Maintenace) dan support untuk KALIBRASI / AKSESSORIES SPAREPART jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami marketing dan sales kami siap membantu menjawab segala kebutuhan anda.

Thermo Scientific B20 RadEye