
PT.Mora Anugerah Berkat adalah perusahaan penyedia alat – alat laboratorium, alat laboratorium yang kami sediakan meliputi : general laboratorium equipment,medical equipment (alat kesehatan), environmental (alat uji lingkungan), chemical/reagent consumable,mineral/civil material testing dan kalibrasi.

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Jual Produk Ombrometer di Indonesia

PT. Mora Anugerah Berkat (M.A.B) menyediakan peralataan alat laboratorium dan alat uji lingkungan hidupuntuk mengetahui informasi dan segala produk kami silahkan klik link di bawah ini :

Jual Produk Ombrometer di Indonesia

Kami menjual alat pengukur curah hujan Rain Gauge Ombrometer berbahan Stainless Steel/Galvanis kualitas bagus akurat presisi dan baru jadi dijamin sangat PRESISI AKURAT dan bahan halus mulus AWET.

1 set TERDIRI dari
1 Unit Ombrometer Steinless Steel
1 Unit Gelas Ukur Standard BMKG
1 Unit Gembok Kuningan
1 Kardus Packing

Jual Produk Ombrometer di Indonesia


Penakar hujan biasa (OBS) adalah alat untuk mengukur curah hujan yang diukur dengan gelas ukur.
Alat Ukur Curah Hujan / Penakar Hujan Biasa 
Jenis : Observatorium (OBS)

Bahan :
  1. Ring corong, pipa corong, pipa badan terbuat dari kuningan
  2. Badan terbuat dari stainless steel kualitas baik dengan ketebalan minimal 0,8 mm
  3. Luas corong : 100 cm2
  4. Diameter : 21,5 cm
  5. Tinggi badan : 60 cm
  6. Kran dapat diganti secara mudah bila terjadi kerusakan

  1. Kunci gembok kuningan kualitas baik dan tahan karat
  2. Gelas ukur 1 (satu) buah terbuat dari setara pyrex dengan skala 0,5 mm hujan untuk luas corong 100 cm2
a. Alat penakar hujan kondisi baru bukan rekondisi
b. Peralatan penakar hujan STANDARD BMKG

Alat ukur curah hujan manual OBS ini menjamin akurasi dalam pengukuran curah hujan. Dibuat oleh para ahli dan dikalibrasi oleh BMKG, biasa digunakan untuk pertani, peternakan, Perkebunan kelapa sawit, Perkebunan teh, dll

Hal - hal yang harus diperhatikan mengenai penakar Jenis Obs Steinless Steel/Galvanis

  • Penampang penakar harus selalu horizontal
  • Alat harus tetap bersih
  • Kayu harus dicat putih
  • Corong harus bersih dari kotoran yang bisa mentup lobang
  • Kran harus sering dibersihkan, jika terjadi kebocoran harus segera diganti /diperbaikI
  • Gelas penakar harus dijaga tetap bersih dan disimpan ditempat aman dan jangansampai pecah
  • Gelas harus dikeringkan dengan air bersih.

Jual Produk Ombrometer di Indonesia

Untuk Informasi dan Pertanyaan silahakan hubungi :

  • PT.Mora Anugerah Berkat 
  • Alamat : JL. Taman Asri Blok M No.36, Kel Cipadu Kec Larangan Kota Tangerang - Provinsi Banten , 15155
  • Ph : 021 7345.7064
  • Mobile :  0812.8770.5470 / 0812 8140 0749 
  • Chat : What Apps, Line, WeChat, Telegram
  • Website : www.moraanugerah.com  - 
  •                       www.moraanugerah.id
  • Email : marketing_div@moraanugerah.com /
  •                 marketing@moraanugerah.com

Marketing kami siap membantu kebutuhan alat ombrometer anda.

Jual Produk Ombrometer di Indonesia

PT. Mora Anugerah Berkat - Jual Ombrometer

PT. Mora Anugerah Berkat (M.A.B) menyediakan peralataan alat laboratorium dan alat uji lingkungan hidupuntuk mengetahui informasi dan segala produk kami silahkan klik link di bawah ini :

PT. Mora Anugerah Berkat - Jual Ombrometer

Kami menjual alat pengukur curah hujan Rain Gauge Ombrometer berbahan Stainless Steel/Galvanis kualitas bagus akurat presisi dan baru jadi dijamin sangat PRESISI AKURAT dan bahan halus mulus AWET.

1 set TERDIRI dari
1 Unit Ombrometer Steinless Steel
1 Unit Gelas Ukur Standard BMKG
1 Unit Gembok Kuningan
1 Kardus Packing

PT. Mora Anugerah Berkat - Jual Ombrometer


Penakar hujan biasa (OBS) adalah alat untuk mengukur curah hujan yang diukur dengan gelas ukur.
Alat Ukur Curah Hujan / Penakar Hujan Biasa 
Jenis : Observatorium (OBS)

Bahan :
  1. Ring corong, pipa corong, pipa badan terbuat dari kuningan
  2. Badan terbuat dari stainless steel kualitas baik dengan ketebalan minimal 0,8 mm
  3. Luas corong : 100 cm2
  4. Diameter : 21,5 cm
  5. Tinggi badan : 60 cm
  6. Kran dapat diganti secara mudah bila terjadi kerusakan

  1. Kunci gembok kuningan kualitas baik dan tahan karat
  2. Gelas ukur 1 (satu) buah terbuat dari setara pyrex dengan skala 0,5 mm hujan untuk luas corong 100 cm2
a. Alat penakar hujan kondisi baru bukan rekondisi
b. Peralatan penakar hujan STANDARD BMKG

Alat ukur curah hujan manual OBS ini menjamin akurasi dalam pengukuran curah hujan. Dibuat oleh para ahli dan dikalibrasi oleh BMKG, biasa digunakan untuk pertani, peternakan, Perkebunan kelapa sawit, Perkebunan teh, dll

Hal - hal yang harus diperhatikan mengenai penakar Jenis Obs Steinless Steel/Galvanis

  • Penampang penakar harus selalu horizontal
  • Alat harus tetap bersih
  • Kayu harus dicat putih
  • Corong harus bersih dari kotoran yang bisa mentup lobang
  • Kran harus sering dibersihkan, jika terjadi kebocoran harus segera diganti /diperbaikI
  • Gelas penakar harus dijaga tetap bersih dan disimpan ditempat aman dan jangansampai pecah
  • Gelas harus dikeringkan dengan air bersih.

PT. Mora Anugerah Berkat - Jual Ombrometer

Untuk Informasi dan Pertanyaan silahakan hubungi :

  • PT.Mora Anugerah Berkat 
  • Alamat : JL. Taman Asri Blok M No.36, Kel Cipadu Kec Larangan Kota Tangerang - Provinsi Banten , 15155
  • Ph : 021 7345.7064
  • Mobile :  0812.8770.5470 / 0812 8140 0749 
  • Chat : What Apps, Line, WeChat, Telegram
  • Website : www.moraanugerah.com  - 
  •                       www.moraanugerah.id
  • Email : marketing_div@moraanugerah.com /
  •                 marketing@moraanugerah.com

Marketing kami siap membantu kebutuhan alat ombrometer anda.

PT. Mora Anugerah Berkat - Jual Ombrometer

Microbiology,Reagent and Chemical

Microbiology,Reagent and Chemical

Jual CAPSTONE Capping Gypsum S420 - S350


Jual CAPSTONE Capping Gypsum S420 - S350

According to ASTM CNS 11297 Standard Practice for Capping Cylindrical Concrete Specimens, there are some key factors for using capping materials :

  1. ASTM C617 4.1: Capping Plates—Neat cement caps and high-strength gypsum paste caps shall be formed against a glass plate at least 6 mm [1⁄4 in.] thick.
  2. ASTM C617 4.2: Suitable alignment devices, such as As: As guide bars or bull's-eye levels, shall be used in conjunction with capping plates to ensure that no single cap will depart from perpendicularity to the axis of a cylindrical specimen by more than 0.5° (approximately equivalent to 3 mm in 300 mm [1 ⁄8 in. in 12 in.]).
  3. ASTM C617 5.1: The strength of the capping material and the thickness of the caps shall
  4. ASTM C617 5.1.3: The compressive strength of capping materials shall be determined by testing 50 mm [2 in.] cubes following the procedure described in Test Method C109/C109M.
  5. According to ASTM C617 5.1.4: The strength Of the capping material shall be determined on receipt of a new lot and at intervals not exceeding three months.
  6. Click Here : CAPSTONE Capping Gypsum

Capping Gypsum Around 30 mins, the strength of the gypsum can reach 5,000~9,000 psi (350~630 kgf/cm2). This type of gypsum is mostly used in the capping material for concrete compression test according to ASTM C617 standard, so our high strength Capping Gypsum the offer the convenient and excellent testing material for civil engineering industry.

Jual CAPSTONE Capping Gypsum S420 - S350

Capping Strength Perfomance

Product Capping Gypsum Consist Of :

A. Capping Gypsum S-420

S-420 features the high quality and high strength concrete test capping material. It is designated as the most reliable product by many professional testing labs. The high reputation of S -420 raised the demand. Modern buildings such as high-rise construction request S-420 as the minimum strength as qualification.

The water to gypsum ratio for S-420 is recommended to be 21-22%. After simply mixing with water, the gypsum is ready to use immediately and will be fully solidified after approximately 30 minutes and reach the strength over 420 kgf/cm2, Equals to 6000psi.

With Compressive Strength and Maximum Thickness of Capping Materials.

B. Capping Gypsum S-350

S-350 is the most popular concrete capping products of Capstone Series. S-350 provides the best balance of working ability and strength performance for concrete capping.The water and gypsum ratio for S-350 is recommended to be 23-24%. After simply mixing with water, the gypsum can be used immediately and will fully harden in approximately 30 minutes. with strength reaching over 350 kgf/cm2, equals to 5000psi.

With Compressive Strength and Maximum Thickness of Capping Materials.

C. Capping Gypsum S-280

S-280 is the entry level Concrete capping product of the Capstone Series. It provides the basic compressive strength with the lowest price.

The water-gypsum ratio for S-280 is recommended to be 25-26%. After simply mixing with water, the gypsum can be used immediately and will fully harden inapproximately 30 minutes. With strength reaching over 280 kgf/cm2, equals to 4000psi

With Compressive Strength and Maximum Thickness of Capping Materials

According to the regulations of US ASTM C617 standard, it is allowed to use high strength gypsum in capping cylindrical concrete specimens. Compared with other methods, gypsum capping is the most convenient, efficient, rapid, and safest capping method.

Jual CAPSTONE Capping Gypsum S420 - S350

Untuk informasi,pertanyaan dan pemesanan silahkan hubungi kami di : 


Jual CAPSTONE Capping Gypsum di Pekanbaru, Riau



Jual CAPSTONE Capping Gypsum di Pekanbaru, Riau

According to ASTM CNS 11297 Standard Practice for Capping Cylindrical Concrete Specimens, there are some key factors for using capping materials :

  1. ASTM C617 4.1: Capping Plates—Neat cement caps and high-strength gypsum paste caps shall be formed against a glass plate at least 6 mm [1⁄4 in.] thick.
  2. ASTM C617 4.2: Suitable alignment devices, such as As: As guide bars or bull's-eye levels, shall be used in conjunction with capping plates to ensure that no single cap will depart from perpendicularity to the axis of a cylindrical specimen by more than 0.5° (approximately equivalent to 3 mm in 300 mm [1 ⁄8 in. in 12 in.]).
  3. ASTM C617 5.1: The strength of the capping material and the thickness of the caps shall
  4. ASTM C617 5.1.3: The compressive strength of capping materials shall be determined by testing 50 mm [2 in.] cubes following the procedure described in Test Method C109/C109M.
  5. According to ASTM C617 5.1.4: The strength Of the capping material shall be determined on receipt of a new lot and at intervals not exceeding three months.
  6. Click Here : CAPSTONE Capping Gypsum

Capping Gypsum Around 30 mins, the strength of the gypsum can reach 5,000~9,000 psi (350~630 kgf/cm2). This type of gypsum is mostly used in the capping material for concrete compression test according to ASTM C617 standard, so our high strength Capping Gypsum the offer the convenient and excellent testing material for civil engineering industry.

Jual CAPSTONE Capping Gypsum di Pekanbaru, Riau

Capping Strength Perfomance

Product Capping Gypsum Consist Of :

A. Capping Gypsum S-420

S-420 features the high quality and high strength concrete test capping material. It is designated as the most reliable product by many professional testing labs. The high reputation of S -420 raised the demand. Modern buildings such as high-rise construction request S-420 as the minimum strength as qualification.

The water to gypsum ratio for S-420 is recommended to be 21-22%. After simply mixing with water, the gypsum is ready to use immediately and will be fully solidified after approximately 30 minutes and reach the strength over 420 kgf/cm2, Equals to 6000psi.

With Compressive Strength and Maximum Thickness of Capping Materials.

B. Capping Gypsum S-350

S-350 is the most popular concrete capping products of Capstone Series. S-350 provides the best balance of working ability and strength performance for concrete capping.The water and gypsum ratio for S-350 is recommended to be 23-24%. After simply mixing with water, the gypsum can be used immediately and will fully harden in approximately 30 minutes. with strength reaching over 350 kgf/cm2, equals to 5000psi.

With Compressive Strength and Maximum Thickness of Capping Materials.

C. Capping Gypsum S-280

S-280 is the entry level Concrete capping product of the Capstone Series. It provides the basic compressive strength with the lowest price.

The water-gypsum ratio for S-280 is recommended to be 25-26%. After simply mixing with water, the gypsum can be used immediately and will fully harden inapproximately 30 minutes. With strength reaching over 280 kgf/cm2, equals to 4000psi

With Compressive Strength and Maximum Thickness of Capping Materials

According to the regulations of US ASTM C617 standard, it is allowed to use high strength gypsum in capping cylindrical concrete specimens. Compared with other methods, gypsum capping is the most convenient, efficient, rapid, and safest capping method.

Jual CAPSTONE Capping Gypsum di Pekanbaru, Riau

Untuk informasi,pertanyaan dan pemesanan silahkan hubungi kami di : 


Jual CAPSTONE Capping Gypsum di Indonesia



Jual CAPSTONE Capping Gypsum di Indonesia

According to ASTM CNS 11297 Standard Practice for Capping Cylindrical Concrete Specimens, there are some key factors for using capping materials :

  1. ASTM C617 4.1: Capping Plates—Neat cement caps and high-strength gypsum paste caps shall be formed against a glass plate at least 6 mm [1⁄4 in.] thick.
  2. ASTM C617 4.2: Suitable alignment devices, such as As: As guide bars or bull's-eye levels, shall be used in conjunction with capping plates to ensure that no single cap will depart from perpendicularity to the axis of a cylindrical specimen by more than 0.5° (approximately equivalent to 3 mm in 300 mm [1 ⁄8 in. in 12 in.]).
  3. ASTM C617 5.1: The strength of the capping material and the thickness of the caps shall
  4. ASTM C617 5.1.3: The compressive strength of capping materials shall be determined by testing 50 mm [2 in.] cubes following the procedure described in Test Method C109/C109M.
  5. According to ASTM C617 5.1.4: The strength Of the capping material shall be determined on receipt of a new lot and at intervals not exceeding three months.
  6. Click Here : CAPSTONE Capping Gypsum

Capping Gypsum Around 30 mins, the strength of the gypsum can reach 5,000~9,000 psi (350~630 kgf/cm2). This type of gypsum is mostly used in the capping material for concrete compression test according to ASTM C617 standard, so our high strength Capping Gypsum the offer the convenient and excellent testing material for civil engineering industry.

Jual CAPSTONE Capping Gypsum di Indonesia

Capping Strength Perfomance

Product Capping Gypsum Consist Of :

A. Capping Gypsum S-420

S-420 features the high quality and high strength concrete test capping material. It is designated as the most reliable product by many professional testing labs. The high reputation of S -420 raised the demand. Modern buildings such as high-rise construction request S-420 as the minimum strength as qualification.

The water to gypsum ratio for S-420 is recommended to be 21-22%. After simply mixing with water, the gypsum is ready to use immediately and will be fully solidified after approximately 30 minutes and reach the strength over 420 kgf/cm2, Equals to 6000psi.

With Compressive Strength and Maximum Thickness of Capping Materials.

B. Capping Gypsum S-350

S-350 is the most popular concrete capping products of Capstone Series. S-350 provides the best balance of working ability and strength performance for concrete capping.The water and gypsum ratio for S-350 is recommended to be 23-24%. After simply mixing with water, the gypsum can be used immediately and will fully harden in approximately 30 minutes. with strength reaching over 350 kgf/cm2, equals to 5000psi.

With Compressive Strength and Maximum Thickness of Capping Materials.

C. Capping Gypsum S-280

S-280 is the entry level Concrete capping product of the Capstone Series. It provides the basic compressive strength with the lowest price.

The water-gypsum ratio for S-280 is recommended to be 25-26%. After simply mixing with water, the gypsum can be used immediately and will fully harden inapproximately 30 minutes. With strength reaching over 280 kgf/cm2, equals to 4000psi

With Compressive Strength and Maximum Thickness of Capping Materials

According to the regulations of US ASTM C617 standard, it is allowed to use high strength gypsum in capping cylindrical concrete specimens. Compared with other methods, gypsum capping is the most convenient, efficient, rapid, and safest capping method.

Jual CAPSTONE Capping Gypsum di Indonesia

Untuk informasi,pertanyaan dan pemesanan silahkan hubungi kami di : 


Jual CAPSTONE Capping Gypsum di Pontianak


Jual CAPSTONE Capping Gypsum di Pontianak

According to ASTM CNS 11297 Standard Practice for Capping Cylindrical Concrete Specimens, there are some key factors for using capping materials :

  1. ASTM C617 4.1: Capping Plates—Neat cement caps and high-strength gypsum paste caps shall be formed against a glass plate at least 6 mm [1⁄4 in.] thick.
  2. ASTM C617 4.2: Suitable alignment devices, such as As: As guide bars or bull's-eye levels, shall be used in conjunction with capping plates to ensure that no single cap will depart from perpendicularity to the axis of a cylindrical specimen by more than 0.5° (approximately equivalent to 3 mm in 300 mm [1 ⁄8 in. in 12 in.]).
  3. ASTM C617 5.1: The strength of the capping material and the thickness of the caps shall
  4. ASTM C617 5.1.3: The compressive strength of capping materials shall be determined by testing 50 mm [2 in.] cubes following the procedure described in Test Method C109/C109M.
  5. According to ASTM C617 5.1.4: The strength Of the capping material shall be determined on receipt of a new lot and at intervals not exceeding three months.
  6. Click Here : CAPSTONE Capping Gypsum

Capping Gypsum Around 30 mins, the strength of the gypsum can reach 5,000~9,000 psi (350~630 kgf/cm2). This type of gypsum is mostly used in the capping material for concrete compression test according to ASTM C617 standard, so our high strength Capping Gypsum the offer the convenient and excellent testing material for civil engineering industry.

Jual CAPSTONE Capping Gypsum di Pontianak

Capping Strength Perfomance

Product Capping Gypsum Consist Of :

A. Capping Gypsum S-420

S-420 features the high quality and high strength concrete test capping material. It is designated as the most reliable product by many professional testing labs. The high reputation of S -420 raised the demand. Modern buildings such as high-rise construction request S-420 as the minimum strength as qualification.

The water to gypsum ratio for S-420 is recommended to be 21-22%. After simply mixing with water, the gypsum is ready to use immediately and will be fully solidified after approximately 30 minutes and reach the strength over 420 kgf/cm2, Equals to 6000psi.

With Compressive Strength and Maximum Thickness of Capping Materials.

B. Capping Gypsum S-350

S-350 is the most popular concrete capping products of Capstone Series. S-350 provides the best balance of working ability and strength performance for concrete capping.The water and gypsum ratio for S-350 is recommended to be 23-24%. After simply mixing with water, the gypsum can be used immediately and will fully harden in approximately 30 minutes. with strength reaching over 350 kgf/cm2, equals to 5000psi.

With Compressive Strength and Maximum Thickness of Capping Materials.

C. Capping Gypsum S-280

S-280 is the entry level Concrete capping product of the Capstone Series. It provides the basic compressive strength with the lowest price.

The water-gypsum ratio for S-280 is recommended to be 25-26%. After simply mixing with water, the gypsum can be used immediately and will fully harden inapproximately 30 minutes. With strength reaching over 280 kgf/cm2, equals to 4000psi

With Compressive Strength and Maximum Thickness of Capping Materials

According to the regulations of US ASTM C617 standard, it is allowed to use high strength gypsum in capping cylindrical concrete specimens. Compared with other methods, gypsum capping is the most convenient, efficient, rapid, and safest capping method.

Jual CAPSTONE Capping Gypsum di Pontianak

Untuk informasi,pertanyaan dan pemesanan silahkan hubungi kami di :