
PT.Mora Anugerah Berkat adalah perusahaan penyedia alat – alat laboratorium, alat laboratorium yang kami sediakan meliputi : general laboratorium equipment,medical equipment (alat kesehatan), environmental (alat uji lingkungan), chemical/reagent consumable,mineral/civil material testing dan kalibrasi.

Timbangan Analytical SARTORIUS Quintix 35-1S

PT. Mora Anugerah Berkat adalah perusahaan yang sudah berpengalaman dalam menyediakan / mensupply peralatan laboratorium khususnya Micro Balance, Semi Miro-Balance, Analytical Balance, Precision Balance, Industrial Balance, Platform Scale dan masih banyak lagi. Salah satu diantaranya adalah Produk SARTORIUS Series(Cubis II, Practum, Quintix, Secura, Entris dan BSA) kami juga menyediakan peralatan yang terbaik,sudah teruji dan sesuai dengan standard  ASTM/JIS dll,kami juga menyediakan berbagai brand/merk internasional dari USA,Eropa dan China,

Timbangan Analytical SARTORIUS Quintix 35-1S

The new Sartorius Quintix® sets new benchmarks in every aspect for standard lab balances: features, technology, ergonomic style, and, above all, the entirely new, user-friendly operating design of the Quintix® that helps make workflows much more efficient. What it boils down to is the Quintix® is fail-safe: it rules out weighing errors due to incorrect operation and eliminates the time-consuming chore of fine-tuning the settings. Fractions of a second are all it takes for any user to adapt the Quintix® to specific requirements and obtain traceable results much faster than ever.

Sartorius teamed up with experienced lab users to develop the user interface of the new Quintix®. Lab users’ No. 1 priority was to ensure easy, intuitive operation without having read the manual first. They did it! The self-explanatory icons and plain-text prompts on the large touch screen show you all the information you need to know for the procedure – no more, no less. For example, the touch-activated print key will appear only when Quintix® has detected that a Sartorius printer is connected. The Quintix® also excels in compliance with workplace safety requirements: Even if you are wearing several pairs of lab gloves, you can still correctly use all the functions of the balance.

Specification Capacity from 0.00001g - 0.001g
Capacity x Readability30 x 0.00001g60 x 0.00001g60 x 0.00001g
120 x 0.0001g
64 x 0.0001 g120 x 0.0001 g
Repeatability0.03 mg0.04 mg0.04 mg
0.1 mg
0.1 mg0.1 mg
Linearity0.1 mg0.1 mg0.1 mg
0.2 mg
0.2 mg0.2 mg
Typical Stabilization
Time (seconds)
Weighing Pan
Size Diameter
80 mm80 mm80 mm90 mm90 mm
Chamber Height
218 mm218 mm218 mm209 mm209 mm
D x W x H
14.8 x 8.4 x 2.4 inch360 x 216 x 320 mm -
14.1 x 8.5 x 12.6 inch
Draft Shield for Analytical Balances (Designs 1+2)
  • Analytical draft shield chamber with doors that glide open smoothly for fatigue-free weighing
  • Interior chamber featuring spill-proof design; exceptionally easy to clean
  • All panes can be individually cleaned or exchanged
HousingChemically resistant finish of the housing for the easiest cleaning ever
Weigh cell
  • Sartorius weigh cell
  • Mounted on a heavy-duty die-cast plate made of a special aluminum alloy
  • Stable and repeatable weighing results guaranteed, along with minimum dependence on temperature
CalibrationisoCAL – fully automatic, temperature- and time-controlled internal adjustment
  • mini USB
  • Automatic recognition of Sartorius printer models YDP30 or YDP40
  • Direct data transfer to Microsoft® Windows programs
  • Programmable interval for data output
  • Choice of SBI, xBPI, table format or text format data transfer protocols
Supervisor lockMenu lock for protection against unintentional changes
In-use coverProvides added protection against dirt and scratches; supplied standard with the balance
Anti-theft deviceKensington lock and lug for attaching a chain or a cable
Built-in application
  • Special lab applications such as Mixing, Components,
  • Statistics and Conversion; plus standard lab applications such as
  • Weighing, Density, Percentage, Checkweighing, Peak Hold,
  • Counting and Unstable Conditionse
Below-balance weighingStandard, built-in feature

Timbangan Analytical SARTORIUS Quintix 35-1S
Specification Capacity from 0.00001g - 0.001g
Capacity x Readability220 x 0.0001g210 x 0.001 g310 x 0.001 g510 x 0.001 g610 x 0.001 g
Repeatability0.1 mg1 mg1 mg1 mg1 mg
Linearity0.2 mg2 mg2 mg2 mg2 mg
Typical Stabilization
Time (seconds)
Weighing Pan
Size Diameter
90 mm120 mm120 mm120 mm120 mm
Chamber Height
209 mm209 mm209 mm209 mm209 mm
D x W x H
360 x 216 x 320 mm - 14.1 x 8.5 x 12.6 inch
Draft Shield for Analytical Balances (Designs 1+2)
  • Analytical draft shield chamber with doors that glide open smoothly for fatigue-free weighing
  • Interior chamber featuring spill-proof design; exceptionally easy to clean
  • All panes can be individually cleaned or exchanged
HousingChemically resistant finish of the housing for the easiest cleaning ever
Weigh cell
  • Sartorius weigh cell
  • Mounted on a heavy-duty die-cast plate made of a special aluminum alloy
  • Stable and repeatable weighing results guaranteed, along with minimum dependence on temperature
CalibrationisoCAL – fully automatic, temperature- and time-controlled internal adjustment
  • mini USB
  • Automatic recognition of Sartorius printer models YDP30 or YDP40
  • Direct data transfer to Microsoft® Windows programs
  • Programmable interval for data output
  • Choice of SBI, xBPI, table format or text format data transfer protocols
Supervisor lockMenu lock for protection against unintentional changes
In-use coverProvides added protection against dirt and scratches; supplied standard with the balance
Anti-theft deviceKensington lock and lug for attaching a chain or a cable
Built-in application
  • Special lab applications such as Mixing, Components,
  • Statistics and Conversion; plus standard lab applications such as
  • Weighing, Density, Percentage, Checkweighing, Peak Hold,
  • Counting and Unstable Conditionse
Below-balance weighingStandard, built-in feature

Berikut link/tautan dari product SARTORIUS Series Catalog sebagai berikut : 

Kami juga menyediakan berbagai brand internasional seperti RADWAG, PRECISA, KERN, METTLER TOLEDO, OHAUS, CAS, EXCELLENCE dan lain-lain, PT Mora Anugerah Berkat juga menyediakan juga  Jasa Perbaikan (SERVICE), Jasa Perawatan (Maintenace) dan support untuk KALIBRASI/AKSESSORIES SPAREPART jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami marketing dan sales kami siap membantu menjawab segala kebutuhan anda..

Timbangan Analytical SARTORIUS Quintix 35-1S
  • PT. Mora Anugerah Berkat (M.A.B)
  • Alamat : Jl.Taman Asri Blok M No.36 Kel.Cipadu Kec.Larangan,
  • Kota Tangerang - Provinsi Banten
  • Phone : 021 7345.7064 / 7366.0160
  • Mobile : 0812.8140.0749 / 0812.8770.5470
  • Chat : Whats App, Line, WeChat, Telegram
  • Website : www.moraanugerah.id - www.moraanugerah.com
  • Email : info@moraanugerah.com - info@moraanugerah.id -marketing_div@moraanugerah.com

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Ombrometer Stainless Steel


Ombrometer Stainless Steel

PT. Mora Anugerah Berkat (M.A.B) menyediakan berbagai peralatan laboratorium dan alat uji lingkungan hidup, Alat ukur curah hujan manual OBS ini menjamin akurasi dalam pengukuran curah hujan. Dibuat oleh para ahli dan dikalibrasi oleh BMKG, biasa digunakan untuk pertani, peternakan, Perkebunan kelapa sawit, Perkebunan teh, dll untuk mengetahui informasi dan segala produk kami silahkan klik link di bawah ini :

Ombrometer Stainless Steel 

Kami menjual alat pengukur curah hujan Rain Gauge Ombrometer berbahan Stainless Steel/Galvanis kualitas bagus akurat presisi dan baru jadi dijamin sangat PRESISI AKURAT dan bahan halus mulus AWET.

# 1 set TERDIRI dari
1 Unit Ombrometer Steinless Steel
1 Unit Gelas Ukur Standard BMKG
1 Unit Gembok Kuningan
1 Kardus Packing


Penakar hujan biasa (OBS) adalah alat untuk mengukur curah hujan yang diukur dengan gelas ukur.
Penakar Hujan Biasa (Obs)
Jenis : Observatorium (OBS)

Bahan :
  1. Ring corong, pipa corong, pipa badan terbuat dari kuningan
  2. Badan terbuat dari stainless steel kualitas baik dengan ketebalan minimal 0,8 mm
  3. Luas corong : 100 cm2
  4. Diameter : 21,5 cm
  5. Tinggi badan : 60 cm
  6. Kran dapat diganti secara mudah bila terjadi kerusakan
  1. Kunci gembok kuningan kualitas baik dan tahan karat
  2. Gelas ukur 1 (satu) buah terbuat dari setara pyrex dengan skala 0,5 mm hujan untuk luas corong 100 cm2
  3. a. Alat penakar hujan kondisi baru bukan rekondisi
  4. b. Peralatan penakar hujan STANDARD BMKG

Alat ukur curah hujan manual OBS ini menjamin akurasi dalam pengukuran curah hujan. Dibuat oleh para ahli dan dikalibrasi oleh BMKG, biasa digunakan untuk pertani, peternakan, Perkebunan kelapa sawit, Perkebunan teh, dll

Hal - hal yang harus diperhatikan mengenai penakar Jenis Obs Steinless Steel/Galvanis

Penampang penakar harus selalu horizontal
Alat harus tetap bersih
Kayu harus dicat putih
Corong harus bersih dari kotoran yang bisa mentup lobang
Kran harus sering dibersihkan, jika terjadi kebocoran harus segera diganti /diperbaikI
Gelas penakar harus dijaga tetap bersih dan disimpan ditempat aman dan jangansampai pecah
Gelas harus dikeringkan dengan air bersih.
Kami Menyediakan dan menjual di antaranya adalah :

Ombrometer Stainless Steel 

Untuk Informasi dan Pertanyaan silahakan hubungi :
  • PT.Mora Anugerah Berkat 
  • Alamat : JL. Taman Asri Blok M No.36, Kel Cipadu Kec Larangan Kota Tangerang - Provinsi Banten , 15155
  • Ph : 021 7345.7064
  • Mobile :  0812.8770.5470 / 0812 8140 0749 
  • Chat : What Apps, Line, WeChat, Telegram
  • Website : www.moraanugerah.com -   
  •                   www.moraanugerah.id
  • Email : marketing_div@moraanugerah.com / marketing@moraanugerah.com
Marketing kami siap membantu kebutuhan alat ombrometer anda.

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UPV PROCEQ PL-200PE di Yogyakarta


UPV PROCEQ PL-200PE di Yogyakarta 





UPV PROCEQ PL-200PE di Yogyakarta 

The Pundit PL-200 and PL200PE continue the illustrious Pundit tradition that began in the 1970s. The first to use a new generation touchscreen display unit.

The Touchscreen unit can control conventional Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Transducers as the PL-200 and the Pulse Echo Transducer as the PL200 PE.

The world known Pundit range offers users a reliable and accurate method for determining the sonic properties of materials.

The pulse velocity in a material depends on its density and its elastic properties. These in turn are related to the quality and the strength of the material.

Pundit PL-200 – The new Benchmark for 

  • Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Testing

  • Best-in-class Ultrasonic testing instrument providing superior features for on-site testing:

  • Line Scans and Area Scans for concrete uniformity assessment

  • Zoom and scroll for precise A-Scan inspection

  • On board storage and review of waveforms

  • Settings directly accessible on measuring screen

  • Dual cursor for manual A-Scan evaluation

  • Separate cursor to measure signal amplitude

  • Improved surface velocity measurement

  • Automatic and manual triggering and user adjustable trigger threshold

  • A-Scan update rate up to 40 Hz

  • Expandable with Pundit Pulse Echo transducer

  • Click Here : PROCEQ PL-200 & PL-200PE Brochure

  • Click Here : E - Katalog PROCEQ PL-200 & PL-200PE


Ultrasonic testing can be used for:

  • The homogeneity of a material

  • The presence of voids, cracks or other internal imperfections or defects

  • Changes in the concrete which may occur with time (i.e. due to the cement hydration) or damage from fire, frost or chemical attack

  • The strength or modulus of a material

  • The quality of the concrete in relation to specified standard requirements

  • Single sided thickness measurement

  • Poisson’s ratio and E modulus calculation


An essential tool for investigating a wide range of materials. Including Concrete, Ceramics and Refractories, Timber and many others/


  • Housing specially designed to be used on-site in harsh environments

  • Screen with highest resolution and sharpest image available in the market allowing best possible analysis of the measured waveforms

  • Settings directly accessible on measuring screen

  • On board storage and review of waveforms

  • Automatic and manual triggering and user adjustable trigger threshold

  • Gate function on UPE results to focus on critical testing regions. 

  • Modular concept: Expandable with all Proceq Pulse Velocity and Pulse Echo transducers, upcoming Pundit ultrasonic products will be directly compatible.

  • Time based data logging for short term monitoring

Stress Waves

Ultrasonic testing is sub section of stress wave testing. The main characteristics of stress waves in a material are their frequency and the type of wave measured. The correct choice of frequency is based upon the material being tested. Coarse grained concrete responds better to a lower frequency. Fine grained mortars or rock works better with higher frequencies.

The two test methods offered by the Pundit use of either compression waves [P waves] or shear waves. The particle motion associated with compression waves can be described as vibration parallel to the direction of wave travel, much as a sound wave. The particle motion associated with shear waves can be described as vibration perpendicular to the direction of wave travel. 

Ultrasonic Pulse Echo Method

The Pulse Echo technology widely extends the application range of the Pundit Touchscreen Unit and offers a variety of special features.

  • Single side determination of slab thickness

  • Detection and localization of voids, pipes, cracks (parallel to surface) and honeycombing

  • Advanced echo tracking technology helps identifying the main echo

  • Control buttons and optical feedback directly on the probe increase measurement efficiency

  •  Automatic estimation of the Pulse Velocity

  • Easy B-Scan measuring through centre marker and rulers directly on the probe

  • Dry-contact transducer: no couplant required, suited for measuring on rough surfaces

  • Lightweight and ergonomic handling

Pulse Echo Transducer

The Pulse Echo transducer is a shear wave transducer designed for single-handed and two-handed operation. It is particularly suited to testing where access is limited to a single side.

Scan Modes


  • A cross-sectional view perpendicular to the scanning surface is provided. It facilitates the search for pipes, cracks, voids, etc.
  • State-of-the-art image processing for improved image quality.
  • Cursor placement allows a direct readout of the slab thickness and the location of hidden objects or defects.
  • In this example a B-Scan of a concrete object containing steel pipes.


  • A-Scan allows direct analysis of the raw signal.
  • Digital filters for better echo visibility and noise suppression.
  • Automatic readout of slab thickness (Echo tracker).

Area Scan

  • Contour map of results over a concrete surface, either Velocity or thickness values can be mapped.
  • A gate function can focus the results in the region of most concern such as reflections from the back of a tunnel grout layer. 

UPV PROCEQ PL-200PE di Yogyakarta 

Transducer Specifications
Bandwidth50 kHz
Aperture Size2 x 25 cm2
Test Subject Limitations
Wavelength50 mm
Maximum Grain Size50 mm
Minimum Lateral Depth2 x Thickness
Penetration Depth500 mm (up to 1 m ideal)
Minimum Object Detectable30 mm Cylindrical Air Pocket
Click Link/Tautan untuk katalog PROCEQ sebagai berikut : 

Form Supplied
  • Pundit-PL-200 comes standard with:
  • Pundit Touchscreen
  • 2 Transducers 54 kHz
  • 2 BNC cables 1.5m, BNC Adapter Cable
  • Couplant
  • Calibration Rod
  • Battery Charger, USB cable
  • DVD w. Software, Documentation, Carrying Strap, Case
  • Pundit PL200PE comes standard with:
  • Pundit Touchscreen
  • Pundit Pulse Echo Transducer incl. cable
  • Contact tester
  • Battery charger, USB cable
  • DVD w. software, Documentation, Carrying Straps, Case

Technical Specification
Pundit PL-200Pundit PL-200PE
Range0.1 – 7930 μs
Resolution0.1 μs (< 793 μs), 1 μs (> 793 μs)
Display7” colour display 800x480 pixels
Pulse Voltage UPV
100 – 450 Vpp
-----100 – 400 Vpp
Bandwidth20 – 500 kHz
Receiver Gain1x – 10’000x (0 – 80dB) [11 steps]
MemoryInternal 8 GB Flash memory
Regional SettingMetric and imperial units and multi-language supported
BatteryLithium Polymer, 3.6 V, 14.0 Ah
Battery Lifetime> 8h (in standard operating mode)
Operating0°C – 30°C (Charging, running instrument)
Temperature0°C – 40°C (Charging, instrument is off)
-10°C – 50°C (Non-charging)
Humidity< 95 % RH, non condensing
IP ClasificationIP54

Click Link/Tautan untuk katalog PROCEQ sebagai berikut : 

Supplementary Transducers
325 40 026S2 Transducers 24 kHz
325 40 131S2 Transducers 54 kHz
325 40 141S2 Transducers 150 kHz
325 40 177S2 Transducers 250 kHz
325 40 175S2 Transducers 500 kHz
325 40 1762 Exponential Transducers 54 kHz,
Include Calibration Rod
325 40 0492 S-Wave Transducers 250 kHz,
Include Couplant
327 40 130Pundit Pulse Echo Transducer,
Include Cable and Contact Tester
327 20 002Pundit PL-200PE UPV Kit
327 01 043Carrying strap complete
325 40 150Transducer holder complete
327 01 049BNC adapter cable for Pundit PL-200
325 40 021Cable with BNC-plug, 1.5 m (5 ft)
325 40 022Cable with BNC-plug, 10 m (33 ft)
710 10 031Ultrasound couplant, 250 ml
325 40 048Shear wave couplant, 100 g
327 01 033Battery complete
327 01 053Quick charger (external)
710 10 028Calibration rod 25 μs for Pundit PL-200
710 10 029Calibration rod 100 μs for Pundit PL-200
327 01 071SCalibrated Tape (Set of 5)

PT. Mora Anugerah Berkat adalah perusahaan yang sudah berpengalaman dalam menyediakan/mensupply peralatan laboratorium untuk sipil/pertambangan seperti UPV PROCEQ PL-200PE di Yogyakarta, kami juga menyediakan peralatan baik lokal maupun custom (khusus) yang sudah teruji dan sesuai dengan ASTM,kami juga menyediakan berbagai brand/merk internasional dari USA, Eropa dan China,produk internasional yang kami supply/tawarkan seperti : MATEST, GILSON, FORNEY, HUMBOLDT, CONTROL, ELE, UTEST, RETSCH, Endecotts, HMP, PROCEQ, HILTI dan lain - lain ; Kami juga menyediakan Jasa Perbaikan (SERVICE), Jasa Perawatan (Maintenace) dan support untuk KALIBRASI / AKSESSORIES SPAREPART jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami marketing dan sales kami siap membantu menjawab segala kebutuhan anda.

UPV PROCEQ PL-200PE di Yogyakarta 

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