Kami perusahaan peralatan laboratorium material testing untuk civil/sipil, kami menjual/menyediakan peralatan untuk pengujian laboratorium (beton,aggregates) juga Alat-alat Laboratorium Uji Beton (Concrete Laboratory equipment) untuk Beton dia antara nya Hammer Test SNI ,Kami menyediakan penjualan,service,maintenance (perawatan) dan Juga Kalibrasi.
Hammer Test For Concrete
- Non-destructive measurement of the concrete compressive strength and control of the uniform concrete quality (in-situ concrete and prefabricated structures)
- Detecting weak spots
- Data-Transfer to PC/printer
- Data Evaluation with ProVista Software
Concrete Testing with original DIGI-SCHMIDT Hammer, types ND and LD By entering the depth of carbonation, the conversion of rebound value to the compressive strength is automatically compensated.
Hammer Test For Concrete
The classic ORIGINAL SCHMIDT concrete test hammer is equipped with a sensor which measures the rebound value of a test impact to a high resolution and repeatability. Basic settings and measured values are shown on the display unit. Operating is menu-guided in different languages.
The DIGI-SCHMIDT is available in two versions:
- Type ND (impact energy 2.207 Nm) - suitable for use on concrete components of 100 mm thickness or more
- Type LD (impact energy 0.735 Nm) - suitable for use on concrete components of thickness less than 100 mm (e.g. precast elements) and on cast stone material
ISO DIS 8045, EN 12 504-2, ENV 206, ASTM C 805, ASTM D 5873 (rock) , DIN 1048 Part 2, B-15.225, NF P 18-417,( J6J / T23-2001, JJG 817-1993, both China )
Hammer Test SNI
Hammer Test For Concrete
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